Career Day: Mastering the Career Ladder: Practical Tips for Job Applications and Interviews

Datum: 6. Oktober 2023Zeit: 09:00 – 10:30Ort: Zoom

Mastering the Career Ladder: Practical Tips for Job Applications and Interviews
(Silke Koppitz, career consultant and HR expert) Target group: international students and graduates of all subjects areas
Presentation language: English

Navigating the professional world can be daunting, whether you’re a student on the cusp of entering the workforce or an early-stage professional aiming for that coveted role. In this insightful session, Silke Koppitz will delve into the intricacies of job applications and interviews, laying out a roadmap for success. She will provide practical advice on creating compelling applications, aceing interviews, and confidently tackling questions on lack of experience. By demonstrating how to leverage your existing skills and experiences, Silke will guide you towards recognizing and seizing your dream job opportunity.

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6. Oktober 2023
09:00 – 10:30


Career Service